♥-Welcome to my world-♥

Some quick facts about me are below:

My name is Hevn (pronounced like Heaven) :]

I enjoy various anime arts :)

(By the way, plz feel free to message me anytime, I usually always try to
reply sometime sooner or later! or subscribe me I always subscribe back.) ^_~

This is A world ALL about anime.lol.
I'll try to be posting and updating stuff occasionally :)


VAMPIRE KNIGHT!^^ LOl! Don't ask!........

Vampire Lullaby♥


Yet more...Vampire Knight!XD :P I told ya'll..uhh, I really like VK~

Erm, pretty song! Video about Yuki-chan & Zero-kun.

The song is SO beautiful~ Tho, I actually, prefer the russian version.x3

More Vampire Knight!~ :)

Yep!^^ Zero, is my favorite out of all the Vampires!~

The song in this Amv is so pretty~<3 :)

Vampire Knight~

Well, I have way too many Vampire Knight...Amvs. On my Youtube account, which is like ridiculous. And I have had my account for like awhile now, like 2 years. And I think..I actually, am gonna start using it and uploading like videos of myself, & stuff. Idk...Anyway, Point is, I just need to get all of these Amvs, off of my account, so i'm taking the time to upload them here.^^ tho, i've been busy lately. I've been meaning to do this. So Enjoy~

I <3 L!

Hello! :) uhm, I found this picture of L! I think he looks SO SEXY!!! He's SO cute! ^.^ I love L-kun SO MUCH! *smiles* Why? :)

5 Reasons:
He's very nice
He's A genius
He's very sweet
He love's sweets like me!^.^
He's super cool!~

If you love L too!^__^ feel free to comment!XD