Movie update: Freedom Writers

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this deep and really great

...i wanted to cry.....okay...
this movie is based off a real event that happened in Long Beach LA
Gang wars were raging, and a class of Teenagers that the whole school thought that this class is (the class was full of teens that had been though so much, deaths, beatings, prosecutions, racism, and etc.)
a bunch of students that people thought would just drop out and be come dead beats or just die.
but one teacher wanted to be a Person that could change them. Mrs. Erin Gruwell

Erin Gruwell made the students wanna change and stop fighting, become better then what people thought they'd become, stand out and help they're families and made them really want an Education.

one moment in the movie that was really touching was when the class was reading "The diary of Anne Frank", most of them really got into it. but what some of them thought was good, like one guy, when they met Miep Gries the one guy told her she was his hero, and he even escorted her in.

Erin Gruwell asked the students to make a diary, about anything, and at the end of the story their Diaries got Published (and i wanna read that book now)

but yeah watch this movie it's a beautiful movie with a good story it was based off of and the acting and soundtrack really is good.

this is a trailer someone put together from Clips from the movie, the song is from the movie

click here is the video doesn't work
