Anime: Busou Renkin (havent done this in a while)

Summary(from Animenewsnetwork): One night, Kazuki Muto jumps in to try to save what he thinks is a girl in distress from a monster and instead gets impaled through the heart. The girl, Tokiko, is actually an alchemic warrior with a Busou Renkin, name of Valkerie Skirt, with the mission to exterminate Homunculi. She implants the only other successful work of alchemy than the Homunculus, the Kakugane, to take the place of Kazuki's heart. The Kakugane resonates with his fighting spirit and forms a Busou Renkin (in his case a spear) so he can fight the Homunculus monsters who prey on humans. Kazuki joins with Tokiko to battle with the Homunculi and protect his friends and his sister Mahiro.

spoilers/loves of this anime: okay i love this anime, the dub was okay, it has to grow on you but i love how manga and the anime are basically the same. you can read the manga or anime and still be okay in conversation about the series with someone who read the manga or watched the anime. i love the comically villain Papillon/Koushaku Chouno. "PA-PI-LLON! SAY IT WITH LOVE <3"
Another thing i love about this series is how Kazuki is just defined as "the idiot who heals his opponent."
he's the best hero cause he has flaws, and gets his ass kicked afew times.
HE ACTUALLY GETS THE GIRL AND its not this uh huh "WE WATCH OVER EACHOTHER AND STAY WITH A FRIENDS RELATIONSHIP!!" *gets somewhat pissed when that happens in a shounen anime*

But the one thing i've gotta say is wrong about this anime is: ....nothing really, i wanna make up something but i actually can't XD

best thing in this anime is the L.X.E(mostly Moonface and Papillon, but i do wish i could find the L.X.E door password. and the english dub for papillon is awesome!! tho i couldnt find a video of it)

(ignore the type moon, moonface yelling "moon!!" is the best)

and my all time favorite, ♥Papillon♥
(this video contains spoilers and if u do watch it through cause its just funny!!)

if i had to give it a rating it'd give it a perfect score on the anime story
but i've give it a 8/10 for the dub cause it had to grow on you....>>
tho Tokiko's voice was good, cause it was serious all THE TIME!!!
and Papillon's voice was great too!
but Kazuki's voice annoyed me in the beginning but it grew on me

well see ya for the next post if its not in a long time
