Anime Update: Claymore

summary of the story taken from myanimelist(cause it had a better one):In a world constantly haunted by demonic predators known as "Youma", the everyday life of humans is full of fear and suspicion, as these monsters easily blend into human society to hunt their hapless prey. However, in this world, there is also a mysterious organization, employing half-human, half-Youma warriors to effectively track down and kill the demons. Called "silver eyed witches" or "Claymores" after the huge Claymore swords they carry, these female warriors are eyed with suspicion and distrust by most because of their inhuman powers.
(but it didnt include how its centered around Clare, a normal claymore, and how they're all female. )

likes: this anime reminded me of when i watched Death Note. i didnt notice the time then IT ENDED AT THE BEST PART LEAVING ME SAYING "NOOO!!! PLEASE HAVE ANOTHER EPISODE!! because i watched the dub on ondemand, and i got to a point where i was just so fed up with that feeling i started watching it on the funimation site. and well every arc/episode had me at the edge of my seat, the fighting was great, Clare was a hero that you didnt hate and Teresa Arc had me feeling all different types of emotions (hatred, saddness, happiness, and anything else besides laughter cause it was reminded me of Death Note(why because it was serious, it had me on the edge of my seat once it was at like episode two. and the art was very serious looking, like Death Note. and my favorite character died like in the middle of the series and i cried after that)

one thing i absolutely loved Teresa...POINT BLANK!!!! she was this incredibly strong Claymore that just kicked soo much ass, she fights four of the top ranked claymores(2, 3, 4, and 5) and she doesn't even have to dive into her inhuman side(or Youma side). But when she dies, everyone knows, she could have beat Priscilla! cause she wasn't even at 75% of her youma side while Priscilla was at full power 100% Youma. But if she didnt die the series wouldn't have been real(watch/read to find out im not spoiling anymore XD)

(a fake trailer that someone made, its not a real movie but it shows the series awesomeness)

this series is a great series to watch/read and i have a friend whos been a big fan of it and he says the manga is indeed better in ways , but the anime is still good.
if i had to rate this anime i'd give it a 10/10 just cause im to giving with ratings
but i do recommend watching this or reading this
