ssssooo saaaaaaadddddddd

OMG I read the most sad story
and I AM CRYING from the story (doesn't happen very often but eclispe i cryed at the end)
but I read Boys Next Door: by Kaori Yuki
I've read some of her manga (a preview of Fairy Cube) but I read this online
and I was tearing up alittle while reading it
the story was aboutthis boy Lawerence(who's looking for his brother)--i'm not going to say if he finds his brother--, a male prostitute and a school teacher Adrain, who was a prostitute murderer (because of his past with his mother). but Adrain falls in love with Lawrence,(OMG) and Adrain stop killing. but the prostitute club owner is very mean (lawrence has tried to escape alot of times) read it to find out the ending
i do feel really bad for Adrain though but he did end up with Lawrence so it was a happy endinghere's the link
read it, it's awesome
