Anime update: Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai

(Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai or The World only God knows)

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Summary: Katsuragi Keima is known on the net as the god of getting the girls while in real life he’s known as otamegane and he hates all real girls. However he is approached by Elsie, a devil from hell, to help her in catching runaway spirits that hide in people. Apparently the spirits only hide in the hearts of girls and the only way to get the souls out is by making the girl fall in love so the spirit gets forced out. And he’s not allowed to fail or he will lose his head.

Opinion: I'm gonna come out and say it THIS WAS AN AWESOME ANIME. At first, i was really hesitant to watch this, because the description to me sounded like some totally stupid Ecchi Harem anime, but i ended up watching it(bored at home, needed a comedy) and well it threw me off.
I mean it's hilarious. it wasn't even pervy at all, it was actually really cute, and made me go "Aww" in most of the episodes. Main character is funny, he's overly calculating and only loves 2-D girls which is funny. and the funny moments like when Elsie is lying to Keima's mom about his father, saying that she's the illigitimate child of him. and then his mom does a transformation from nice mom to evil imma cut you biker gang mom. Watch it its a funny anime, and it's worth it.
and the aww-ness to it is just great, when he tries to win a girl or when he's close to it and then he just tells her "NO YOU NEED TO CHANGE WHO YOU ARE!"
or something thing like that, it just makes you go awww
the opening i will say is beautiful sounding and very nicely made.

here's a clip from the last episode in season one(um he's hallucination/dreaming)(if the video doesnt work comment and i'll fix it)

but if i were gonna rate this anime i'd give it a idunno
