Update on my Anime watching(Mai-Hime)

I've gotten into a new anime [(random person) : "that's your news?">
(me)" yah, and got a prob?
(random person) "whateva"

well this new anime is called Mai-Hime

this story is about a Girl named Mai Tokiha
she and her Brother are transfreeing to this school called Fukika Acadamey
Where every thing starts to get alittle crazy, while she and her brother are on the Ferry(i guess it's a ferry), to their new school lately Mai has been seeing a Red star near the Moon and the sun, but only she can see it. then the Ferry stops and a unconscious girl with a giant black sword is pulled aboard. Later that day the Ferry is attacked and the girl is running around while mai is trying to make sure she's okay. While the girl is running around another girl(Natsuki) is trying to catch the girl(Mikoto). Mai finally catches up to the irls but she finds that Mikoto has her sword back and the other girl and her are battling. while the girls are battling, the ferry is getting damaged up so badly that the other people on the ferry have to evacuate. The People leave Mai, Natsuki and Mikoto on the sinking ship, but Natsuki gets away, and leaves Mai and Mikoto(Mikoto got knocked out during the battle) on the sinking ship.
As the ship sinks fast Mai and mikoto go underwater and are left unconscious. But when Mai wake up she find that their on the Acadamey Ground around Scorched earth, and student staring at them

i like the anime it's good, it's alittle perverted but i don't care as long as it's not hentai. But i don't recommend looking up Mai-Hime when your mom is right near you.....(she didn't see anything, but it was sorta ......akwkard)
