chapter book: Sucks to Be Me

Okay so i finished this book called:
Sucks To Be Me

and as you can guess it's about Vampires,

okay so the story, is about this girl Mina, her parents are Vampire.
so in this Book, Vampires live normal lives like human(yeah i know not very interesting), but Humans are not allowed to know about Vampires, so Mina who is a human, and has always known about her parents that are Vampires and never knewn that she couldn't know, until a tax-collector comes to her house. Mina's parents hide her from the Vampire Council. The Vampire Council has Mina take classes on vampirism, it's funny how they made up excuses one the classses

the characters in the story are good characters, I love the guys, I love George, and Aubrey. I feel so bad for Aubrey, he ends up not becoming a vampire and they almost drove the poor sexy guy to tears.

the plot is good, but i sorta wish it was alittle more eventful, but i still like it's calm but it's cool.....

Mina and George end up, i might draw them

so yeah here's my bookiey bloggiti entry, the next one'll be on this new Manga i'm reading
