School book: Othello

well everyone knows William Shakespeare, Yes

well if you don't (WOW, HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING IN A CAVE!!)
William Shakespeare was a famous playwright, he become famous for making plays like
romeo&juliet, midsummer's dream and etc.

but yeah Othello is about the African general, in Italy(?)
Him and the king's Daughter, Desdemona are getting married(?, i wasn't really paying attention in class). things are happi happy, newlyweds

but Iago, the evil character in the book hopes to bring things down in the book, make Othello's life hell, because Iago thinks Othello slept with his wife Emilia. But really he didn't. So Iago does alota things to put Othello down, make him see Desdemona as a cheater and make him seem bad.

and well Iago does it, gets Othello to kill Desdemona and othello to commit Suicide.

Iago gets Exiled

it's a good book(very classically and shakespearey)
it's better when you can get past all the Shakespeariran dialogue
