Starting next Monday I will be posting about the best and well known vampires in the anime/manga world. I'm taking requests on any vampires you would like to see on the list, so don't be shy. I will only take the first 4 requests (I would take 5 but I don't have school next Friday). :D
Here is a couple that "should've been" from my favorite novel, manga, and anime Trinity Blood. Abel and Esther become very close friends in the story, and Abel would do anything to keep her safe. They are unable to have a relationship due to their occupations, Abel (priest) and Esther (nun). If it were up to me they would somehow and someway be together. So here is our closing "should've been" couple of the week (also my favorite) Abel and Esther!
I actually don't know Vampire Knight that well, so I read some different stuff online and put these two together. I'm not sure if they are a couple. I thought Yuuki was around another guy besides Zero. I actually ran out of anime couples that should've been. I'm saving my best couple for tomorrow or the couple I thought "should've been." So here is a couple from a popular anime Vampire Knight. Zero & Yuuki. (Is there a couple you thought "should've been" besides Zero and Yuuki?)
The couple for today is Alucard and Seras Victoria from the anime Hellsing. In the manga they are not together but in the first anime series Alucard had great feelings for Seras. In the new ova anime (following the manga very well) Seras and Pip have a great love for each other. He happiness would would really brighten up Alucard dark and grim life. To me it seems Alucard needs someone to love him for what he really is. Fans think Seras and Alucard should be together since he did bring into a new life of a vampire. (Is there a couple you thought should've been besides Alucard and Seras?)
From the Anime series Death Note here is a couple that should've been L and Misa. If you have watched the series Light only really uses Misa and pretends to love. Many fans believe Misa's cute and innocence would really brighten L's seriousness and busy life. (Is there and couple you thought should've been in Death Note?)