To ~Miku-Chan's anime palace~

This is a place for anime lovers! I post demotivational posters about lots of anime and i comment on them!
some of the great anime i watched (and read the manga) are!!! Black butler (aka kuroshitsuji) fairy tail, soul eater, fullmetal alchemist and TONS of other anime and maga! (but i can't remember them all cuz i am just.... DERP)

Have fun!!


Good life advice.

Life is derp.

Meme time!! : Crazy meme

Stolen from ForeverOtaku and Sweetea. Gomen

[x] You have screamed at an inanimate object for 'hurting you.'
[x] You have run into a glass/screen door.
[ ] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle.
[x] You have thought of something funny and laughed, and then people gave you weird looks.
[x] You have run into a tree/bush.
[ ] You have been called a blonde.

Total: 4

[x] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow. (i can kinda almost do it?)
[x] You just tried to lick your elbow.
[x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star had the same melody.
[x] You just sang them to make sure.
[x] You have tripped on your own feet and fallen.
[x] You have choked on your own spit.

Total: 6

[ ] You have seen the Matrix and still don't get it.
[x] You type with three fingers or less.
[x] You have accidentally caught something on fire.
[ ] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your nose.
[x] You have caught yourself drooling.

Total: 3

[x] You have fallen asleep in class.
[x] Sometimes you just stop thinking.
[x] Sometimes when you are telling a story you forget what you are talking about.
[ ] People often shake their heads and walk away from you
[ ] You are often told to use your 'inside voice'

Total: 3

[ ] You use your fingers to do simple math.
[ ] You have eaten a bug accidentally.
[ ] You are taking this test when you should be doing something more important.
[x] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn't realize it.
[x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand/pocket the whole time.

Total: 2

[ ] You have posted bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen if you don't.
[ ] You break a lot of things.
[ ] You tilt your head when you're confused.
[x] You have fallen out of your chair before.
[x] When you're lying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture on the ceiling.
[ ] The word "um" is used frequently.
[ ] You don't know what "um" means.
[ ] You say "what" and "huh" a lot.
[x] You plan to use a calculator to multiply your score for this bulletin.

Total is!!!!!


Japanese meme

stolen from foreverotaku and sweetea. Gomen ^^'

[x] You've seen at least one anime.
[x] You've read at least one manga.
[x] You watch anime/read manga on a regular basis.
[x] You think that anime and western cartoons are two separate things.
[x] You're in anime club.
[ ] You've cosplayed at least once.
[ ] You counted Halloween costumes from when you were a kid as cosplay
[ ] You cosplay in public.
[ ] You've been to at least one anime convention.
[ ] You cosplayed there.
[ ] You traveled more than 200 miles to get there.
[x] You like Japanese food.
[x] You like any of the following in particular: sushi, Pocky, cheap ramen, ramune.
[x] You know that sushi isn't just raw fish.
[ ] You've made bento lunch.
[ ] You've made a charabento.
[x] You go to the Asian shop on a regular basis.
[ ] You've actually been to Japan.
[ ] You've been to Japan solely for the anime, video games or idols.
[x] You're learning/know Japanese.
[ ] You're learning it to watch anime without subtitles.
[ ] You have Japanese blood.
[ ] You CLAIM to have Japanese blood.
[x] You're in love with a fictional character made by Japanese people.
[ ] You claim you're married to said fictional character.
[x] Anime is so much better than western cartoons.
[ ] You call all cartoons anime.
[x] Anyone who hates anime is dead to you. (OH YUS)
[x] You call characters by their original Japanese names.
[ ] You call characters by their romaji spelling.
[ ] You defend Pearl Harbour.
[ ] You think Pearl Harbour's a new anime that just started airing in Japan.
[x] You think Japan is the greatest country on Earth.
[x] You think that just because they make the best media.
[x] You listen to J-music.
[ ] Exclusively.
[x] You know that it's pronounced "Gakuto" and not "Gackt".
[x] You can name all the Vocaloids. (Most.)
[x] You like Hetalia.
[x] You think Japan is the best character.
[ ] You wear items of anime-related clothing in public.
[x] You play only Japanese video games/watch Japanese shows/eat Japanese food. (sometimes.)
[x] You use Japanese honorifics.
[ ] To refer to yourself
[ ] Your entire room is full of anime merchandise. (my mom thinks they are silly )
[ ] You changed your name to something Japanese.
[ ] Legally.
[ ] You want to give your kid a Japanese name.
[ ] You want to name your kid after an anime character.
[ ] You've considered having surgery to look oriental.
[ ] You've had it done.
[ ] You stalk the Japanese exchange students.
[ ] You've been arrested for doing so.
[ ] You use memes in daily conversation.
[x] You watch abridged series.
[x] You get most of the jokes.
[ ] You use tildes while typing.
[x] You use Japanese emoticons.
[ ] You make attempt to Japanese sounding by the English typing.
[ ] You claim you're Japanese on your dA/Facebook/Myspace/whatever.
[ ] You're not.
[ ] You're not even Asian.
[ ] If you're Asian, you think doing Japanese stuff helps you get in touch with your heritage. (i dunno if it counts but i baisically come from asia so ya..... but i am not like Japanese or Chinese or korean. not that type of asian i come from asia though)
[x] And you're not even Japanese.
[ ] People call you a weeaboo.
[x] You prefer the term otaku.
[ ] You break out into Caramelldansen in public.
[ ] You want to date a Japanese person.
[ ] No other nationality will do.
[x] You watched Naruto.
[ ] You wear the headbands.
[ ] Every day.
[x] You're bitching at me because they're properly called "forehead protectors"
[ ] You bought said headban- erm FOREHEAD PROTECTOR at Hot Topic.
[ ] You act out scenes from the show.
[ ] FFVII is the best game ever.
[ ] Sephiroth is yours.
[ ] Kingdom Hearts is awesome.
[ ] AxelxRoxas is KAWAII DESU NE~~~!!
[ ] You wish you owned a real Death Note.
[ ] Touhou rocks your life.
[x] Anime dubs are the spawn of Satan.( I HATE ANIME DUBS!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!)
[ ] Vic Mignogna is God.
[ ] It's seiiiyu, not voice actor.
[ ] You use gratuitous Japanese all the time.
[ ] You add "desu" to the end of every sentence.
[x] The only thing you draw is anime. (yes and i am horrible at it. )
[x] All your friends also like anime. ( i mostly am friends with otaku peoples. people who are like me and like anime so that when i co CRAY CRAY over it they don't think i need to go to the mental hospital)
[x] You want to become a mangaka. (That is one of the things I want to be.)
[ ] In Japan.
[ ] Most of your manga/anime is hentai.
[x] You know that "hentai" doesn't mean "porn"
[ ] You write fanfics for English class.
[ ] Yaoi fanfics. (i hate Yaoi. there are certain exception but i hate yaoi mostly because they ruin the manga/anime itself. in my opinion that is.)
[ ] You know nothing about Japanese culture except for anime, videogames, idols, music, porn and schoolgirls.
[ ] Everyone says you have no life.
[ ] And it's true.


0-10: You probably hate Japan. You're not a weeaboo at all, not even close.
10-20: You like SOME Japanese things but, still not a weeaboo.
20-30: At this stage you probably still hate weeaboos. Good news- you're not one.
30-40: You keep your love of Japanese stuff sensible.
40-50: You're very likely a Japanophile, but you're not as annoying as a full-blown weeaboo.
50-60: You're not a weeaboo just yet, but try and moderate it.
60-70: Weeaboo.
70-80: Please stop it!!!!!!
101: Insane asylum tiems.


that result is tottaly not true but atleast it doesn't make me look crazy xD

Meme: what pokemon type are you?

stolen from hellokatty and sweetea. gomen ^^'

[ ] You have a hardy nature
[ ] You're a born leader.
[x] You're a charmer
[ ] You have a great singing voice
[ ] You love reptiles

Total: 1

[ ] You have a jolly nature
[x] You are kind
[ ] You love all animals
[ ] You can keep a beat
[ ] You are true gentleman/lady.

Total: 1

[x] You can be hot-headed
[x] You are short tempered
[x] You go into a rage when you're mad.
[ ] You hate going swimming
[ ] You're the bad boy/girl type

Total: 3

[ ] You love to swim.
[ ] You have a lax nature
[ ] You are a strong swimmer.
[ ] You like soft jazz music
[ ] You can dance

Total: 0

[x] You can take a hit or two.
[ ] You like shiny things.
[x] You love/loved gems/metals.
[ ] You have a bold nature
[ ] You have super hard bones

Total: 2

[ ] Your head is always in the clouds
[ ] You have a hasty nature
[ ] You love flying.
[ ] You can be intimidating for your size
[ ] You always feel like you are flying

Total: 0

[x] You love to play mind games with people.
[ ] You don't like to fight.
[ ] You have a docile nature
[x] You love to play games
[ ] You often run away from things

Total: 2

[x] You are strong
[ ] You are vain
[x] You don't give up so easy
[ ] You love to fight
[ ] You have a bold nature

Total: 2

[ ] You love the shadows
[x] You don't get out much.
[x] You have a bashful nature.
[ ] You like to scare people
[x] You love scary movies/shows.

Total: 3

[x] You are a lone wolf
[ ] You have an impish nature.
[x] You're not a social person.
[ ] You don't get along with people
[x] You listen to heavy music like metal or hard rock

Total: 3

[x] You know a lot of things
[x] You have a naive nature
[ ] You stand out easily
[ ] You love all music
[x] You can do anything if you put your mind to it

Total: 3

[ ] You have a relaxed nature
[ ] You love bugs
[ ] You love country music
[x] You can play a stringed instrument
[ ] You're peaceful

Total: 1

[x] You have a serious nature
[ ] You can play a drum like instrument
[ ] You're hard headed
[ ] You're big
[ ] You have/had a solid relationship

Total: 1

[ ] You have a cold heart
[ ] You love cold weather
[x] You love cold food/drinks
[ ] You've broken someone's heart
[x] Someone has broken your heart

Total: 2

[ ] You have a rash nature.
[ ] You kill things a lot
[ ] You don't listen to that much music
[ ] You don't have good plans or strategies
[ ] You often hide in the shadows

Total: 0
okay so appearntly i have a tie amongst fire, dark, ghost and normal. ^^

Levy's purse

Great, you saw the purse's powers now go get a life.