May 26th
Today I got my own time for privacy. I got the time to play LGP all the time I want even right now because my parents were out. So, I guess its my lucky day.
Plus, it WAS my lucky day. I found accidentally a video in YouTube that combines Sailor Moon anime and Celine Dion! Gosh! How I's thrilled to watch that video over and over again! I miss Sailor Moon so much. I wish I have a lot of money to buy all Sailor Moon's VCDs. <miaw>
Well, tomorrow I have to go out again for all day because I have meeting tomorrow for one of the programs I handle. Which means, I won't be having leisure to surf the net and play LGP!
Urgh... I think this is just the beginning of having a hard life in the university. <I really hope I'll have good time to surf the net that time>
Okay now, I want to go and play till the end of night before I went to sleep. Otaku..!!!