Waste of a post. XP

Ok~~~! Well, I noticed something but I didn't want to waste a post on my theO site, so I'm posting here!! X'D lol.

*random post ALERT!*
OMG!! I don't usually watch Star Wars but then I watched it one day, and you know what I finally thought!?


YODA'S HEAD WAS EDIBLE!!! I TELL YOU!! IT WAS!!! I mean, look at it!!

The tip top of his head is JUST like a melon bread!! O_O;;;;;;

I MEAN IT!! SERIOUSLY!! It WAS a melon bread until his head started rotting and it turned all green and hairy with MOSS!!!

I'm telling you guys!! You've got to believe me~~~!!!

Thank you for reading. ^^

~~~~~~~~ Hikari's officially lost it ~~~~~~~~~~~~
