Hey everyone! hope your all having a good holiday season
Its getting colder, a LOT colder, out so that means more time for drawing.
Feel free to comment and stuff. I know its not the most amazing sight, but i'm trying. Hope to see you all aroung. ^_^
Thanks for looking!



So summer is here and that means many things, sleepovers, swimming, picnics, cookouts, family parties, lazy days, and for those of us here at theO extra art time!

Ok a quick recap on some thing that have happened. That slap in the face i recieved sparked a what i thought at the time to be a heartfelt conversation with one of the 2 girls. We had "made up" and even went shopping the next day, but when time for the trip came, she was there on the bus ride down... Then *Poof* she was gone. We didn't really talk at the hotel, and I didn't talk to her at all on the way home. Ok this may not have been my wisest move but when we got home and she was leaving i walked past her and went "thanks for trying" in a sarcastic tone. She looked shocked, i chuckled to myself and kept walking. Then there was the other friend, i had talked to her the day before but she didn't seem sincere in her apology. We talked too, things weren't super awkard, but they weren't what they had once been. At graduation we talked, after all i was sitting by her. We laughed through half of the mass like nothing had happened. So now i'm in a grey area. The one i thought was sincere hadn't turned out to be, and the one i thought wasn't seemed like my old friend. Oh and about that guy i liked, he never got back to my e-mail so on the trip my friend tapped him on the shoulder and i leaned forward and asked him to a movie the next day. He's grounded for 2 weeks for swearing at his parents... So i asked about after that, and i got a sure!!

Ok back to what i had really wanted to say, with summer comes all of this free time. My submit pile keeps getting bigger, and my drawings are getting better.(or atleast i think they are)
As for my favorite part of summer, mine would have to be swimming.
Whats yours?


hey everyone

Hey everyone,
This has been an interesting week, between all end of year/graduation events i still found time to be ditched by my ex-best friend. I guess this has been going on for awhile but friday closed the deal. We had a big end of year party, there i hung out with people i didn't normally want to spend time with. We had fun! I asked my "friends" why they were being so cliquey and all i got in response was " i am so sorry, but since we are going to different high schools we wanted to make use of the time we have left" I felt like i was slapped in the face. I had been friends with one of the girls sice 1st grade! So i made new firends and lost some old ones. I also sorta asked a guy i like out. I don't think he likes me that way but i thought what the heck and e-mailed him. I'm waiting on a reply. I drew a new pic and finally finished an old one. I will upload them as soon as i can.

Oh yeah Happy Memorial day.



Tomorrow night begins my summer vacation. We are having an 8th grade vs. facutly volleyball game. it shoule be... interesting...

We go all out and make uniforms, decorate the gym, make posters, possibly bring music. Half of us even act as cheerleaders. So whats the point to all of this maddness? Well when you go to our school as long as most of us have (8-10 years) its pretty fun to spike a ball at the teachers.

As for going all out, we wear outrageous things like, leggings, shorts/skirt, tank top/T-shirt, fun little jacket, and do our hair crazy. the gus do things like put their hair in pony tails,& wear our old skirts.

My outfit is funny, bright blue leggings, white and green tank top, black shorts, a aqua zip-up that reminds me of a curtain of some sort,& hair in high pig tails.

Ok enough about me, i'll try and get some of my new pictures up.(they look alot better than my old ones)

ok my rambeling is done for now!
Hope you all have fun before summer and during it!


everyone has that one person that just for some reason gets them mad or put them in a bad mood right? Well that person has gotten me so mad today. If you are looking for a reason, its the fact that he won't leave me and my friends alone. He likes on of them and is over protective of he. We say that he "hovers" over her. She is put in a worse mood by this than i am -_-. Any suggestions to get rid of those types of people? I'm desperate! And hurting him doesn't count, even though I want to at times...



Ok today i was messing around in Jasc Paintshop pro and this is what i made

I know my posts are getting more random as we go but oh well.

Oh and i love One Republic, espically stop and stare.
