That was one of the last songs played at our dinner dance. My eyes began to water as we made a big circle and sang our hearts out together. I will never forget(for now atleast) watching one of the guys i like sing this. We were all so into it, and it had finally set in 'we were done' we were officially the class of 2008. We were way to close for our own good, after 9 or 10 years, or even 1 or 2 for some we were like family. They played Good Riddance by greenday next, but by that point no one was listening anymore.
It was so hard saying good bye to my best friend realizing that, yes, we may have chenged over the past few years i was going to miss her so much.
Ok i know your all probably getting sick of my ranting about pointless things in my life, but I do thank you all for reading and even commenting sometimes!
Ok on a different note, we had really strong thunderstormes yesterday and this morning, flood warning and all
Happy summer everyone!!