Anime Favorites: Tokyo Ghoul, FMA/FMAB, Terror in Resonance, Shingeki no Kyojin, Noragami, Akatsuki no Yona, Death Parade
Manga Favorites: Fairy Tail, Tokyo Ghoul, Bleach, Naruto, Akatsuki no Yona, Horimiya, Girl the Wild's, The Breaker
Anime Favorites: Tokyo Ghoul, FMA/FMAB, Terror in Resonance, Shingeki no Kyojin, Noragami, Akatsuki no Yona, Death Parade
Manga Favorites: Fairy Tail, Tokyo Ghoul, Bleach, Naruto, Akatsuki no Yona, Horimiya, Girl the Wild's, The Breaker
Me after finishing Noragami anime and catching up with the manga: /(°-°)/ So..... what do I do with my life now?
Noragami was on my To-DO list and honestly I didn't think it would be that good but I LOVED it. I love Yato, he's so funny and cute, there's so many good characters. I want a season 2( who doesn't?)
DO NOT READ IF YOU'RE NOT AT LEAST ON CHPT 50 OF NORAGAMI-------> So everyone seems to think that Yato has to sever his bonds with Hiyori to save her. Am I the only one who thinks he and Yukine can snap her out of it without severing her bonds or her cord? Is that too optimistic? I don't see how he'll 'win her back' as so many people have suggested if he servers her bonds bc then she won't even be able to see them anymore right? I don't think Yato would drag her back into their world if that happens after all the disaster it has caused her so far<-------------END
Me after watching Tokyo Ghoul √A episode 4:
You might not understand this if you didn't read the manga( no spoilers if you watched episode 4 but didn't read, don't worry) but I heard somewhere that Sachi would not be in the anime, so when he showed up, I knew. I knew Kaneki would turn into the centipede and I was like, Yes! I like how even though the anime is original it also mixes with scenes from the manga bc this is one of the scenes I really wanted to see animated ( although I hope Eto doesn't ruin it, if you know what I mean)
Most people are complaining about the quality of the animation of the fight scenes in this episode. I guess I don't have an eye for those things bc while I thought they were kinda short, especially that Sachi vs Kaneki fight, I didn't notice problems with actual animation itself.
I think some people are forgetting that Ishida Sui probably has a lot of plot to squeeze into 12 episodes and apparently Pierott(studio making TG) doesn't have a lot of budget so every episode might not be amazing, quality wise. I personally am really enjoying it so far and an looking forward to the next episode.
Need to Start:
Need to Finish:
FRIDAY: I overhear a guy in one of my classes saying Tokyo Ghoul is really scary. I (who has been watching a lot of horror lately) decides to start watching it later.
SATURDAY: Finish watching entire season of Tokyo Ghoul.
SUNDAY: Forced to spend 5 hours at a seven year old's birthday party. Start reading Tokyo Ghoul on my phone.
MONDAY - TUESDAY: Keep Reading.
Long story short: I've been binge watching/reading Tokyo Ghoul for about 5 days now. I'm basically obsessed. I think it's just an amazing series.
Throughout most of the anime Kaneki had black hair but whenever you search up Tokyo Ghoul you always see the white haired version of him, so I predicted he'd become a badass by the end of the anime.
SPOILER--- He did become a badass and I guess it's a good thing but at the same time it's sadder than I thought it would be because now he's all melancholy all the time ( and kind of crazy). The innocent Kaneki that you meet at the beginning of the story is gone. He's still one of my favorite characters though. --- SPOILER END
I've just finished the manga for it. I was really sad at first because there are only 143 chapters but then I found out that Tokyo Ghoul: re is the sequel so now I'm about to start that.
Anyone who hasn't seen Tokyo Ghoul should try it ( unless you don't like gore) because it's a really good anime/manga. I'm looking forward to season 2 (January 8th). I hear the anime isn't going to follow the same story as the manga so I'm excited to see what that's about.
In Case You Didn't Know:
There's this really popular (and cool) rpg called Corpse Party. The plot is really gory and complicated but I think it's really interesting.
I'm watching this guy play it on YouTube
( some people don't understand why you'd watch someone else play a game instead of doing it yourself. Here are my reasons: 1. I'm not a gamer and even if I was my mom is always using the one computer in our house for work. 2. It's actually interesting seeing someone else do it and sometimes the commentary is hilarious 3. Why do you watch other people play sports instead of doing it yourself)
Anyways... I found out there is an anime based on the game. I started watching that, I haven't finished it yet ( it's only 4 episodes) but all I have to say is this: I think it's actually really cool..... if you don't mind all the gore. Seriously it is the most gruesome anime I've ever seen. Guts get splattered on wall, people get stabbed, blood and crazy people EVERYWHERE. It's pretty hardcore although I covered my eyes when a kid got stabbed in the eye
It's very scary. Both the anime and the rpg are scarier than Another in my opinion because they just make you feel like you're gonna get stabbed in the dark.
I recommend Corpse Party ( the anime is called Corpse Party: Tortured Souls) to anyone who doesn't mind gore and is looking for something with an interesting plot.
I just started watching Another today. For some reason it reminds of this game called Misao even though the plots are really different. I was interested in Another because I heard its really scary and now that I think about it I don't think I've ever watched a horror anime. I'm only on episode 3 but so far I'd say it isn't really scary; just kinda creepy. I hope it gets scarier.
My impression of it will probably change a lot soon though because that seems to happen a lot lately. I was watching Guilty Crown for example and at first Gai was probably my favorite character. But now that I've finished the entire thing Gai just makes me a little sad. :'( Oh well.
I think I'll watch another episode of Another now. ( somehow I get the feeling that I probably shouldn't watch this right before bed but whatever)