Hey guys^^ This is my new world called Anime Oishii :) Its a world all about funny and informaitve anime things. It will usually contain images and very less words so that your time doesn't get wasted alot in reading stuff...Enjoy this world guys :)
- Created By Hifsa
Choose one world to live in!
I choose to Live in Naruto :)
Favorite anime opening song?
I love Bleach opening four, ef:atale of memories/melodies openings and Fruits basket English opening, also current Naruto opening, I'm one season 4 of Naruto I think :3
ANIME is our Salvation!
Whoever wrote this must be ultra-sentimental :3
Deserted on an Island, which Poke'mon would you chose?
I would chose Venasaur, because he's the best of the 3 I suppose :)
Your genre of Anime!
I will live in a musical! :D SO cool :D
I feel sorry for the September ones >.>