OB Portal 2 Contest

So the OB is doing a portal contest right now that you should totally get over and check out.


- Entrants must answer the question "If you had a portal gun, what would you do with it?"
- Answers should be in the form of recorded messages, no more than 60 seconds long.
- The recordings should be emailed to obpodcast@gmail.com.
- No staff may enter the competition (regular members only).
- Competition closes on Tuesday, 9th of August 2011.
- Prize is a copy of Portal 2 on the winner's platform of choice (i.e. Xbox 360, PS3 or Steam).
- The winner will be announced on the OB Podcast and their winning entry will be played. We will directly contact the winner via email to confirm their game preference, address, etc...

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OB Podcast page
