I honestly should give up on TheO...

I don't even know why I'm bothering to type this. No one really comments anymore, though, I guess I don't really have a right to complain about it. Maybe it's just out of habit?

Oh well, the day that TheO returns to it's former standing and glory will be the day pigs sprout wings and fly. like a friend of mine said, when VV came out, everyone tore apart from each other. I don't talk to hardly anyone anymore because the people I care about on here are too busy trying to get a social standing. Two of my friends got into a fight because she wanted to delete her account because of a stupid rumor floating around. the other then stopped talking to me altogether for some ungodly reason (even though my mom had just died and I needed to talk to her more then ever...)

So, for once in my life I'm going to oppose the one thing that gave me happiness for almost 2 years straight. I have TRUE friends who need me more then this site or the people on it ever will. Klawla, Akisa, Yuki, Monkey, Meladi, Raigan, Naruta, Yami, Kira, Rayne, Aleira, and Yuffi. They are all there for me HERE, not in some virtual fantasy. I hate when people automatically assume that everyone has to follow someone or be in something to be popular. popularity is nothing but a small portion of life that is better left underground.

TheO USED to be a place where people could be who they wanted to be. everyone knew everyone. Now, there are just as many different cliques as there are in my school, and it's against the unwritten code to talk to certain people. My real friends and I know the true meaning of individuality, and we live it to the fullest. Now days it's truly hard to find a decent person on TheO.

Don't get me wrong, there are a few people who are still my friends on here. I talk to them, comment them, ETC. but it's really hard to find someone like that anymore. people just wind up leaving or stop talking to you in the end. I can't stand people like that, because I cherish everyone I meet. It hurts because in the end, the same people you cared about don't care about you anymore.

My mom used to tell me not to get myself hurt by having so many friends, and now I know what she meant. When you know someone truly, they don't ever leave. but until someone gets under your skin and rips out of it, you never learn to be careful.

in short, I care about TheO as much as I would care for myspace or facebook. I'll still talk to people i've been talking to, add wallies and e-cards and maybe comment once in a blue moon, but either then that there is no point to it.
