Creating Characters Meme

Stolen from Keba! (I had permission! XD)

1. How many characters have you created?
Oh my goodness, too many! XD (There are more than 25 recurring characters in the Eternal Rain universe alone!)

2. Have you created characters for a fandom? If so, which one/ones?
I have. Toshiro Amaya (surname revised from Noriyuki) and Naoru Uchiha are my Naruto fan characters.
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3. What is the most important thing, to you, about creating a character?
Making them human/believable characters. The ones I most enjoy writing and attach myself to the most are usually the ones that are better fleshed out or have vibrant personalities. (Then there are the ones I love because of their cuteness, lol.)

4. Have you created content featuring your character?
Very much! Most of them are from stories that I've written, and I draw them a lot!

5. What do you like most about a character you’ve created?
Going with my namesake, Kita, this time -- She's so much fun to write because she's super-hyper and energetic and always picking with the other characters.

6. Has anyone else created content featuring your character?
Yes! *^^* I love seeing my characters in other people's styles! A shout-out to ChiPolVee, Sindar and MultiArae for these amazing pics!
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7. What are your characters, to you?
My characters are my babies. Please be nice to them! ...Says the one who puts them through heck in their stories... -w-'

8. What’s your favorite type of character to create/write for?
The ones with psychological issues. (Like Khalil, Naoyuki and Hikari.)

9. What’s the first thing you work on when you create your characters?
I either have an idea for them beforehand and start brainstorming their characteristics/background, or I draw them first and come up with the rest along the way.

10. Have you created a character or type of character that you are now ashamed of?
When I was younger, I had this teen-brat-girl stereotype in my head that I look back at and kind of roll my eyes. XD

11. What are the major inspirations you draw from for your characters?
Classes (got the idea for Asha when we were studying heredity and diseases in high school) and mixing traits from people I know and/or characters I like.

12. Do you have a type of character you simply cannot or don’t want to create?
I have a really hard time creating characters who are too far removed from my ethics. So believable baddies can be a challenge.

13. Do you really like someone else’s character? If so, why?
YES! Dewey is a super-sweet, adorable cinnamon roll!! Then, there's Rai and Marshall and -- oh my goodness, Takuto! ... Hmm.. this list could go on a while.
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14. Do you change your characters based off of your own change in mindset?
I try not to change them arbitrarily. Like, I don't update them on a whim or anything like that. Development for a story, like my recent revamp of Eternal Rain? Sure.

15. What character type do you want to see more of?
Hmm, I don't know, I see a pretty good variety.

16. What’s an idea for a character you had, that never became more than an idea?
I don't really have many of these, except a few failed characters that I just drew and never really developed personalities for.

17. If someone wanted to direct a movie involving your OCs, would you let them?
...That would depend very highly on the person making the movie and how much input I would have. (When I think of how comic books/new comic book movies are destroying classic characters, I cry to think of how their original creators would feel.)
