Stories: Pet Projects ~ Background and Jargon


Pet Projects takes place in a not-quite-dystopian version of a future U.S. A civil conflict rooted in political differences and resource rights has split east and west. Though military action has subsided, tensions are still high, and there is a state of "cold war" between the two competing countries.

Western Union of America
The entertainment and technology industries give the west wealth and prominence, but water and other resources are scarce due to climate change and drought.

Eastern Republic of America
Less affected by water and food scarcity but not as technologically-advanced and prosperous as the Union.

Innova City
Attempting to rival the Union’s technology development, this city is the seat of the Eastern Republic's scientific research, with a particular focus on military tech. It is split into richer and poorer parts, with the Harlein Quarter being the roughest area. Harlein is the main setting of the story and where all of the hybrids developed by the Republic's military are concentrated.

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