Character Comparison: Find Your Happy Place

Mara Ndala (Eternal Rain universe)
A social butterfly with a knack for coming up with the right words to say at the right time, Mara is most in her element when she can create harmony within the Keyholder team and motivate them to do good. She’s always attentive to people’s moods and tries her very best to cheer them up when they’re down. When her teammates are happy, she’s happy.

Asha Hirahara (Dreamer)
Asha has always adored figure skaters and wanted to become one, but there’s one big problem: she has hemophilia. Her parents have never let her have skates for fear of her falling and badly hurting herself. Even so, Asha can’t let her dream go. Whenever she can escape the hawk-eyed watch of her caretaker, she slips out of the house to borrow roller-skates from a sympathetic neighbor and learns how to skate under her cautious supervision. When she eventually meets Haru and Hikaru and they’re super-supportive of her skating, the abandoned rink where they meet becomes a home away from home and a place where she can finally feel free.

Joel Onno (Search for the Sky)
A previous post discussed Joel’s family situation, but to recap briefly, his father left them shortly after his little sister was born, and his older brother is missing. To top things off, his mother is now seriously ill. The thing that brings Joel the most calm amidst all this is stargazing – an activity the whole family used to do, and his mother’s favorite pastime. It brings back memories of when they were all together and gives him a little while to hit pause and step away from it all.

Khalil Evans (dis-colour RP)
Under constant pressure to perform and excel academically, and then abused by his older brother and derided by his mother when he begins seeing color, Khalil bottles up a lot trying to keep himself together out of fear of losing his father, too. Even after his father turns him over to the Facility (albeit with good intentions), Khalil still tends to keep his feelings to himself, hurt by his family’s betrayal and unable to fully trust anyone. He only lets himself vent through playing the violin. This eventually becomes the one way he can freely express himself as well as a way to bond with others. He’s most at peace when he can make his friends smile with his playing.

Avery Hall (Pet Projects)
A wolf-hybrid born from the same military experiments that produced Shay, Tristan and Everett. Avery was deemed defective because of his sensory processing issues and slated for disposal; but one of the scientists involved in the splicing project smuggled him out. Later hunted down by the military and separated from his adoptive mother, Avery is picked up by the L&F. In a completely unfamiliar situation that he has no idea how to navigate, with completely new people to get used to, saying he’s overwhelmed would be an understatement, and the two hyperactive kiddos, Phelan and Retta, sometimes crank his stress meter past his limits. His safe zone in this situation is listening to music… or even humming or singing it, if he doesn’t have a dependable way to charge his media player.