I apologize if I'm spamming your updates with all these reviews! xD I'm really excited watching all these new series, and I hope you all are as well! Enjoy the review!
Title - Otome Youkai Zakuro
Episodes - 13
My Rating - 10
Genres - Action, Romance
Plot Summary - It’s the Meiji Era in a slightly alternate Japan, and the Gregorian calendar has just come into effect. The fox-eared girls living in the youkai part of town are about to be put to work together with a delegation of young human soldiers, to promote interracial understanding. So what will happen when Zakuro’s strong personality collides with human sensibilities?
My First Impression - This anime is absolutely amazing! I really liked this one, and recommend it wholeheartedly! The graphics are magnificent, and both opening and closing songs are quite catchy! I really like all the characters, and I definitely am liking the plot. The romance is just so moe, it'll make anyone want to keep watching! This anime surely deserves a 10, and watching it is an absolutely must! (unless you're a guy ^^)
From Top Left to Bottom Right - Kei Agemaki, Mamezou, Riken Yoshinokazura, Zakuro, Hotaru Susuki, Bonbori, Ganryuu Hanakiri, Hoozuki