^____^ *many hugs*

My dear, sweet friends! *hugs*

I want to thank each and every one of you who have commented and helped me through these past seven weeks. I love all of you so much! You really are angels to me. So much kindness, I could never thank you enough *hugs* Every time I started to get stressed out or depressed, I’d think of you ^^ I’ve missed you a lot!

Well, I wanted to say that before announcing- I just got my cast off yesterday! I am now (slowly) typing to you with TWO hands! ^^ It’s been so long since my wrist has moved that it’s really sore and still hurts, but I’m taking physical therapy for that! (Oh, and for those who read about my neck, it turns out that one of the disks had gotten dislodged or something, and that’s why it hurt every time I turned, but it’s gotten fixed now ^^b)

I’m really really beyond happy about that right now. ^^ And I wanted to tell all of you that! Your support has really helped and I feel a little guilty that I left you worrying! We could have been hurt worse, and we’ve had so many sweet people looking out for us. *hugs tightly* So, thank you all so much, again.

Okay, so now you know that you don’t have to worry at all, but I’m not quite going to fully return here to TheO and MyO because it still is really hard to type a lot ^^; I’m planning on trying to catch up a bit on commenting tomorrow, but after that I’m not sure. I have a lot of exercises that I need to focus on with my hand now, so that’s keeping me pretty busy -.-;

But, I really want to get back into my normal habits and I especially wanted to tell you this great news about my wrist ^___^ Thank you all again, so much! *hugs* I can’t imagine not having met any of you sweethearts!

Have a great day!
