Happy Birthday, US of A!

Ah, yes, 'tis been a while since I posted, yes? Well, it's not like I've been away from the computer at all, but I've been lazy...
Well, it's July 4th. Happy birthday America! And happy early birthday to me too! I'm going to be 20 tomorrow. Yeah, I'm surprised. Pheonix (my brother) is trying to convince me that it's no big deal, but I'm still amazed. One of my favorite songs is 19Sai, the opening for xxxHolic, and I was happy because it coincided with my age when I first discovered it. But now that won't be true anymore. *big sigh* Anyway, I'm not sure if I'll actually get anything huge, because Mom's work is lowering her hours, so there goes that extra money... (Dad's the big money maker though. Y'know, for the bills and stuff.) Anyway, I'll be twenty. I don't care about drinking alcohol, so the 21th birthday probably won't be a big deal.
So, another awesome fireworks show is probably in the offing next door tonight. Our next door neighbor is a fireworks fiend. He's a soldier too, in the army. (Support the troops, not the war.) Anyway, he always has such awesome fireworks. Both on the fourth and the new year. It's so fun! Their daughter, who we babysit sometimes and just turned ten, is super cute and fun to play with. She doesn't understand the appeal of anime though. Ah, well.

See you people when I see you!
