Some of my sayings / mini rants.

About games:

  • Damn but, but Vaati is the cutest little Legend of Zelda villian anyone will ever see!
  • For some reason, I've always associated the "rule of thumb" thing with video games.
  • What gender Sheik of Orcoraina of Time is, and if he/she is a seperate person from Zelda, is open to interperation. I take a neutral stance, thank you.
  • Midna is KAWAII in her imp form. Arrogant, but wicked cute.

About Naruto:

  • There's more to shinobi than just our favoite loud mouthed, orange wearing, attention seeking ninja. He's the odd one of the bunch, remember that.
  • In the first part of Naruto, the main characters are young, around 12 or 13. A little young to be fighting like they do, I think. And way too young to have anything but crushes. They're little kids!
  • The Akatsuki may be terrifying freaks on screen, but the fan art of them is highly amusing. (Same with Org. XIII of Kingdom Hearts, but I'm less familiar with them.)

About languages and words:

  • I'm a New Englander! Don't dis me if I use the word "wicked" as a synonym for "extremely". It's my accent, yo.
  • I think French is a relitvely ugly language. The language of love should be Italian! It's so smooth and pretty...
  • I consider "l33t" to be a dialact, same as... Gumbo? Is that what you call it? Oh, and lolSpeak too.
  • Japanese is a wonderful language to be angy in. It just sounds awesome.

About other anime:

  • Wow, Doumeki sure is devoted to Watanuki. He gave him half his right eye and later a good deal of his blood after poor Watanuki fell out an upper story window. (Which probably hurt a lot.)
  • After re-watching the first Pokemon movie, I now have a great interest in Mewtwo, who intrigues(sp?) me a great deal and I feel rather sorry for. (Made as experement, and never really acknoldged(sp?) as a feeling, thinking person; poor guy.)
  • That being said, I consider Mew a girl and Mewtwo her younger brother. Gender is not tied to one's physical body, afer all.
  • I don't care what anyone else says, I supported TK and Kari and Yolei and Ken. So there!