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I will take requests however:
WARNING: If you request something from me, please have PATIENCE! I only say this...cuz I can never predict what's going on in my life...so some things I'm able to do right away...and some things could take me awhile. >.<


Wanna find me at other sites?


*laughs* So you know you're having a bad day when your noodles tell you to STFU. Right? Ionno, I totally had to post this picture. <3


*faints epically* ZOMG...so I finally got the time to WATCH Kuroshitsuji II. Everytime I tried to, something would distract me. -w- As goes my luck. But again... Z---O----M---G!!!!! ...

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Unlovable-Darren Hayes

*sniffle* I forgot how much I love this artist. If you haven't checked out Darren's Music, you really should. He was part of Savage Garden, if you've heard of him. Anyway, this song just seemed to chime with me tonight, so I'm posting the lyri...

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I'm Afraid of 31 Out of 72 Common Fears

Taken from Blue Latte [ ] the dark [ ] staying single forever [x] being a parent [X] giving birth [X] being myself in front of others [ ] open spaces [x] closed spaces [x] heights [ ]...

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Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day! I hope you and yours all have a fantastic holiday! Remember the true meaning behind it and celebrate safely!! Take care and have a Fantastic weekend!! 8D ...

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