Hi there! :)

Okay so, today I finished up a stencil I was working on for my cousin. He wanted me to draw up their company logo with the No Fear Girls to put on his truck for advertisement. Why? Well becuz tonight we are racing the truck at the Sand Drags!!! Woot! I am so excited!! And then Saturday we are going to have a huge party with the family. There are loads of bdays in August, so it's kinda to celebrate them all. :)

I painted on the logo....and I was so happy. It came out great. Though I wish I had more time to work on it. I could've made it way better. All I'd had was two days. LOL Yet they are happy with it, so that's what counts. My other cousin asked me to design their new official company logo...and he told me to take all the time I needed!! I'm so stoked...I have so many ideas and I'm honored he has so much faith in me! <3

The next two days are going to be really busy...but I'm still excited, gonna be loads of fun!!! ^-^

Take Care everyone, and have a TERRIFIC WEEKEND!!!!
