
So yeah... *looks at the time* I really should be in bed right now...but I actually lost track of time this time...I SWEAR! XD I was working on coloring up a couple pix....would you believe me if I told you...I'm doing... *counts* Six At once. *falls over laughing* ((One of them is a pic of my OC and Me Fighting in Chibi form!))

I also watched some of "Peach Girl". I must say, I really like it! It's cute, and set in a high school type scene...which I haven't seen much of. XD But... I never knew I could HATE a character so incredibly much!! That Sae...OMG...I think it's because I've KNOWN girls like her....she makes me wanna hit her so hard!!! >->; Ahem! Anyhow, the show is so good...it makes me wanna keep watching. I really like Kairi...he's such a sweet guy. >////<

Another reason I'm still sitting up...I have so much going through my mind. @-@ Just...a bunch of random swirling stuff. Today I may be meeting with my friend. He recently had a baby girl, I haven't gotten to SEE him yet. LOL I bet he's going to be totally exhausted...but also extremely happy. :3 I made him a gift...I'm a little nervous. I just hope he likes it. ./////.' ((Note: I ALWAYS get nervous when making ANYTHING for ANYONE...I always want them to like it alot. LOL))

Alright!! Enough random out of the blue blogging...I need to go to bed. >3>

Take care everyone! Have a Great Weekend!! TGIF!! LOL

