"Everyone Smiles When the Flowers Are in Bloom."

External Image

Green eyes and a blue sky meet,
the breeze lingering in-between.
Nothing. There is nothing in this world with meaning.
And yet...why do I feel this?
Blossoms blow on the warm wind,
I reach out and seize one in my hand.
So weak, so utterly fragile...yet...beautiful.
A gentle smile caresses my lips for but a moment,
a small voice saying;
"Everyone smiles when the flowers are in bloom".


--So...everyone who knows me is familiar with me saying I don't write poetry often. And I really don't. It takes a lot to inspire me to...and even when I do I just wrap a bunch of words together. >.>; I don't really even call them poems. Anyway...this is for Ulquiorra-sama. I wrote it from his perspective, and decided to use it for his contest. I hope you like it...at the very least. I was quite happy with the picture I found to accompany it. ^^ ---
