Britton Tag

1. You must choose only ONE of your OCs. Do it again if you wanna use another OC.
2. Your OC must answer every question as truthfully as possible.
3. Title the journal as "OCs Quiz (your OCs name)".
4. When you're done, tag as many people as you want.
5. Have fun!!!

1. Hi! What's your real name and nickname?

Britton. Nickname...Dont' really have one. Unless, BOSS counts. *smirks*

2. Interesting... what's your current age?

I'm sitting at 23. *smirks and takes out his cigarette case* Is this gonna be awhile? You don't mind if I smoke, right?

3. Uh huh. What's your favorite food?

Whatever I want at any given time. Mami is a great cook, she'll prepare whatever I want. *lights a smoke and takes a puff*

4. And your favorite drink?

Well...I like to keep my wits sharp, though a nice scotch here and there isn't bad.

5. Confession time! Who's your crush/lover?

Crush...Lover?? Just one? *busts up laughing* You must be joking if you assume I'd deprive the ladies of this *indicates himself* by settling for just one.

6. Aww! Have you two kissed yet?

Kissed. Touched....even...*mouth is covered*
Kira: -_-' Bad boy. It was a yes or no question. YES, he has kissed a LOT.

7. Classic question! What's your favorite color? my favorite suit. *bright smile, taking another puff*

8. Who's your favorite author?

Author? Who has time to read? I have brothels to run, scum to stamp out, and money to make. *laughs*

9. Now what's your biggest fear?

Biggest fear. *has to think about this for awhile* I...guess going back to where I started. That f*ckin blew...

10. *stifles a giggle* I'm not laughing *bursts out laughing* Sorry. Any siblings?

Keep laughing and you'll eat your teeth. *drops cigarette to the ground and smashes it* Yeah. I have an older brother named Rouen. Good ol' BIG BRO. That pompous a**hole. *scoffs*

11. Almost, it's only twenty questions. Who's your hero?

Hero? In the town I grew up...there weren't such things. Not unless you looked real hard. I ain't naming names...but the Madame of this place I call home was pretty 'inspirational'...or whatever... >.>'

12. Ok, who is your worst enemy?

The scum from the first district. Trying to mess up my reputation by putting their filthy boots in MY door. *fumes*

13. What would you do if your hero and your worst enemy got together?

Sit back and enjoy the fireworks, baby. She would tear them apart with her words...and then make them EAT their boots. *crude laugh*

14. Interesting... what would you do if you met your creator?

Britton: *smirks* Well I'd tell you what I'd try...but I'd probably walk away with a face as red as my suit.
Kira: Bet your ass you would. -_-;
Britton: Always worth it babe...always worth it.

15. Okay, I'll contact them right now. Done! Now, what do you want to be when you grow up?

When I grow up? *raises brow* Ah. "Funny" Right? I'm living the life already. I don't need anything else.

16. What's your worst nightmare?

Why can't you ask me what my favorite dream is? It would be much more enjoyable. *mischievous smile* Worst nightmare. Maybe my hard work going up in flames...oh WAIT, that HAPPENED! *glares in Rouen's general direction*

17. What's your lifelong dream?

*rolls eyes and pulls out another cigarette* Dream...Dream...Yeah, I don't know.

18. What would you do if your lifelong dream came true?

How about I answer the question with a question? What if you don't have, and/or don't wish to share your life long dream? *grins with satisfaction*
Kira: *facepalms*

19. Ok, where's your favorite place to relax?

Hmm...hard question. Bed, or maybe out on the bench in the alley. *puffs*

20. Last question! What do you spend most of your time doing?

*grins* Who do I spend most of my ti.....OHHH WHAT do I spend most of my time doing. Care to take a guess? *drops cigarette and puts it out with a shining smile*

Britton: Tag huh...You do it Kira. *puts arm over her shoulder*

Kira: *flings him off* You smell like cigarettes... xP Hmmm who to tag...this is pretty interesting...




Blood Huntress

--you guys don't have to, though it's...kinda interesting. I was tagged by Suki--
