It's not a Tag! Finally a real post! ^^'

Since I’m on a roll for posting tonight, I thought I would take a little time to write just a little something here…it’s been a bit since I’ve posted something other than a tag. Gomen..>.>’

Let’s see. First of all, I plan to redesign this world again…maybe. I really really like this design, but I may be in the mood for a change again. Look forward to it, ne?

Next. I’m about to get my challenge in motion. I’ve put it off a lot thanks to never taking time to write out the rules, but I intend to have it up within the next two days. I’d like to see a lot of beautiful entries, though I never make it too easy, so I hope you’re all up for a decent challenge. *winks*

As for life, I am trying to get a job--which isn’t easy--but I’m trying nonetheless. I am also going to a school later today, to see about applying for some classes. ^^ I’m slightly excited, and slightly terrified…since I’ve put things off for so long. (long story, don’t ask why) But yes. In preparation for those changes I have been altering my schedule and also having to regrettably pull away from some things that I loved. I had thought to make more time for them, but it’s not going to be possible for awhile.

I apologize for not posting walls as often as I used to. I actually have quite a few in stock…I just have a hard time actually “POSTING” them. *laughs* You’ll see more from me here and there. Walling is one of my favorite past times. It manages to cheer me up, no matter what my mood. I also found a new love with Sigs. So much fun~

Achievements: I FINALLY CAUGHT UP IN VK MANGA!! 8D I have put it off so long, but finally, I got a moment to read! <3 <3 It’s really great…and I’m randomly very proud of myself. lol I intend to catch up in Kuroshitsuji next. Bad Kira…BAD. I wanted to keep up with that too. *pouts*

And now I think I’ve rambled on long enough. Thank you all for your kindness and support. <3 I leave you with a song that has been stuck with me for awhile now…thanks a lot Karmira. I blame you. I love it, and for some reason I just can’t listen to it enough. And when I first saw this, I had no idea it was Lambert. O_O; FYI: This video DOES have spoilers. So if you don’t like them…look up the song elsewhere. But Karmira showed me this…and it’s just too Epic NOT to post somewhere. Very well thought out and made. *nods*

Anyway! Here it is and take care! Live life in the fast lane…but make pit stops here and there…after all…roses are beautiful, but they are far more pleasing to the scent, if you just take a moment to smell them.
