- Created By Anuska23
wow, 538 views on my world
yeah, wow, 538 views on my world, sorry there isn't much to see. so because of that I am now picking my world back up. fyi I have a new post or two idk. I have new pic(s) and I am working on getting some more up, trouble is that I need a scanner :( I have one but it doesn't work well, so until then I am using a friend's scanner whenever I get the chance to go to her house and whenever I remember to bring my piccys to be scanned XD anywhoo. . . got nothing else to say now so I'll be back tomorrow
New work!
I have finally uploaded another piece of my work! My second piece, I am very excited, I uploaded it last Friday, didn't have a lot of time. It's label is Hibiscus Girl, one of its tags is bathing suit girl. That's the only one that I remember. I have to go now so I hope you all check it out!
My first pic submission!
Hi everybody! I just submitted my very first picture on here! I freehanded it, and I based it off of a shojo beat magazine! I'm so excited! the tag is shojo beat girl, and first submission, its title is Shojo Beat girl, please check it out and comment por favor, origato go zai mas! (I probably didn't spell that last one right. oops, sorry!)
My grandmother's birthday
My grandmother's birthday was this past Saturday even though we celebrated it yesterday. She's always wanted to go to Hawaii, but we've never had enough money to take her, so instead we had a small luau party for her. It was great fun, we made smoothies, had pancakes (don't ask why we had pancakes at a luau party)and carrot cake (one type that the store had that my grammie likes). We watched Magnum P.I. and tied a lei around my half Chocolate lab and part beagle dog named Elsie. She was sooo cute! The red/yellow lei matched well with her fur.
Also, this past weekend I went and bought the movies Millinium Actress and Whispers of the Heart I love those two movies, even though the first was a little hard to understand wholly, but nonetheless good. Has anyone else seen either of these two movies?
I went to my very first prom last weekend! It was so much fun!! I saw many of my friends there, and the school wasn't being a cheepskate about the whole thing! You didn't have to pay for every single little thing! Just the ticket and any pictures you had taken. Well, nonetheless, quick change of subject I am still working on some pictures to submit, sorry I take so long. Lots of school work, babysitting job, and a little bit of procrastination, (even though I have actually started it! just need to finish it.
) things are coming along slowly but surely. well, need to go now, parnets home