Welcome to Anything & Everything! Things are yet to come...
I hope that you will enjoy what you find here, if not thats ok too maybe just tell a friend about the place and if he/she likes it he/she will choose to come.
I am currently writing a book and will be releasing the chapters for all to read. I will make these easy to access through here by making all the posts for the book under the "Fiction" catagory that way all my post will be filtered and my writing will be easy to find if you missed any.
Feel free to comment anything or guest book sign.
When visiting the fan art section, the section first is automatically organized to "Most Active", displaying the most popular pictures on the site. This isn't fair becuase artists who post new fan-art do not get their art noticed! Please changed the button to display and organize fan-art by "Freshness" rather than what's popular. If we want to make TheOtaku a fair site for all it's visitors and members, this would be a wise correction to make. Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing the improvement of our site!
(And maybe LuckyChan101)?
DarkFox 013
Reicheru Phase 01
Please copy, and add your name to the list, and paste our petition into your profile or your newest post!! Help us spread the word!!
I have finished the first Chapter ep in my book. Its called Behind locked doors. Its sort of a prototype thing and I plan to release it on this page sometime. But first i need to get more viewers... If you happen to stumble on here tell a friend about it maybe or a few friends, and read a little bit i am really open for an sort of suggestions that any of you have about my writings or anything at all so don't be afraid to speak.
Based on what i get as a review I might go back and edit some of the writing just to make it more interesting or just to change a few details. If that happens I'll be sure to have the original writing and the edited version under it labeled well so there is no confusion.
Well this is my first post on this site. I have been doing some real life stuff getting ready for some things. This is what I have planned for upcoming stuff...
1. Write a book
2. Make an anime
3. Do something haven't thought this far yet.
But with that first thing I'm going to write it in chapters and I'll post the chapters whenever i have them written. Some times the post may be random because sometimes I have on days and other times I have off days. So depending on the week I may have a new chapter in a week or a month it all just depends. I would appreciate ratings 1-10 maybe I don't really care, be a critic.