Fanfiction Part 14:Team Chii's Mission

As Inuyasha trudged through the snow capped mountains, and then, a little elf appeared before him. Before he could pull out tensaiga, the elf spoke.
"I'm a friend, not a foe. I need your help to keep the grand design in balence." It took a few minutes for Inuyasha to trust the elf, but he did, and so the two walked into a cake.
"I'm known as Uki, the all seeing elf. I can see right through you." Uki closed his eyes. "I see, conflict, and passion...yes, lots of passionete love for a maiden. Who IS this lucky girl? Ah...I see her in your thoughts, what else do your thoughts illustrate?" Inuyasha turned red.
"Shut up you stupid elf! Stop seeing into my head!"
"Sorry," said Uki. "You DO have a promising future..." There was a pause. "If you go back to your friends." Inuyasha was definetly a stubborn one.
"Not a chance! Kagome doesn't need me!" Uki smiled.
"Or so you think, she DOES need you. Or at least she will, in a couple of months."

"It CAN'T be, I just have to take the test again." Kagome looked at the little pink plus sign. (And so:the teen pregnancy epidemic spreads ) After taking the test a few more times, she came to a conclusion. She was pregnant, by Inuyasha.
"You're WHAT?!" Gasped Sango.
"Yeah, that's what my mom said. Can I stay here during my term? My mom does not want Sota to find out. Actually, can I stay here, I don't know...forever?" Sango nodded, speechless. "Where's Inuyasha?" Kagome turned white. "I feel weak." She fell over.
Two woman materialized before Sango and Kagome. The first woman, had violently purple hair. She poured a potion into Kagome's mouth, and she awoke immidetly.
"I, am Chii, and this, is my assistant midwife Dektra."
