Hi, I'm Apanda! This world will have updates about my life and stuffs. So yeah, it'll be pretty boring... Sorry. -_-

My Loveless name is Worthless.
1. lacking in usefulness or value; "a worthless idler" [ant: valuable]
2. morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery appalled them"; "a slimy little liar" [syn: despicable]

My fruit is mango: Though the outer rind is colourful and deeply hued,
Its kevlar-type resistance cannot be consumed. Deep underneath the reddish orange rind though, is so much soul and nutrient compassion.

My new favorit quote's:

1. “Love is something that you’d get hurt about. Getting hurt, feeling pain... if you don’t feel it, then that’s not love.”

2. "You can never have the same love twice. When one love ends... even if you fall in love with someone else...you can never have the same love again. Even love matures. Its like a flower. Cherish it while it blooms."
Quote by Nanba, from Hana-Kimi For you in full bloom.

3. "Pure love means loving only one woman. Shes the one you hold most precious. She's so dear to you that no other woman would even enter your field of vision."
Quote by Makoto, from W Juliet.

4. "Its like I'm always the only one in love here."
Quote by Yukari, from Paradise Kiss.

5. "Watch for that signal, when life as you know it ends."
Quote by Jerry, from P.S. I Love You.

And now here's a song From the new All American Rejects CD that i really like.

First day of work

Ok so today i finally started working, but i still havent watched the videos, and i have a feeling they're just gonna forget about it. >_>

but uh, Justine trained me. ^_^ so that was cool. aaaannndd, i think i did an ok job. like, the people there said i was doin a good job, so idk... they could have been lying, but i felt like i was doing pretty good for my first time.

and i work again wed and thur 4 to 10. but Justine isnt gonna be there, so idk what im gonna do. T-T


but anyways... ive got to go cause my moms buggin me about homework. =_=

so bye-bye







im all alone.


why doesnt anybody post anymore? or comment?

its makin me sad, and nobody likes a sad panda.




Oh well.

ill be goin now.



*waves and walks away slowly*

Happy Day

Ok so today i went to Justines B-day party, and that was awesome. i had a really good time. ^_^ we... well im not gonna tell, cause im hoping Justine will post about it herself, cause she hasnt posted in FOREVER!


lol, and thats really the only important news i think.




OMG, ok i just remembered, i completely forgot, i finally had my first sex dream while i was in alabama. ^-^ lol, i was so freaking happy, but i had nobody to share the good news with. -_- so here it is, im sharing the good news. lol. although anybody who reads this will probably just be disturbed by it. i usually only talk to the asian about those kinds of things... but oh well. guess you'll all just have to suffer. heeheehee.

and i also had another wierd dream, that was sexual, but it kinda scared the crap out of me. like, i just wasnt me you know... and i was gonna explain more, but i dont want to give anyone any bad images, so ill just leave it at that...

lol, wow, this is a very vague post. ^_^

guess it'll just leave everyone thinking.







me is so happy to be back.


ok so now for me to explain the extra long time away. my grandma was in the hospital the whole time, and she ended up dying... so we had to stay and help with the funeral, and go to the funeral and stuff. and uh, yeah, it was a very depressing 2 weeks. cause everyone was crying and upset, and i had to hug a crap load of old people. -_-


so yeah, thats why i havent been to school and stuff.


and thats it, 2 weeks with no post and thats all ive got to say...

so uh... bye.

Kitty got butt raped!

Lol, yeah they had to take her temp at the vet today, and the ear one wasnt working, so they had to take it from her butt. T-T i felt so bad, cause i had to help hold her down, and she cried...

anyways, i havent been sleeping very well. like thursday night i stayed up till 4 in the morning trying to tire myself out, so i think i got a total of 5 hours of sleep that night, cause i made myself get up early, so i would be tired enough to fall asleep friday night. and i did end up passing out at like 8 something, but then my mom woke me up to do some stuff and then when i tried to go back to bed i just couldnt stop thinking about shit so i ended up watching some tv and playing with my chaos until 1 in the morning. which by the way 2 of my chaos were reborn for the second time, so i gave them both all 21 animals, but one of them evolved again and it looks like a normal chao. T-T so i dont know what i did wrong. but anyways, then today i had to get up at 8 in the morning to take momiji and chu to the vet, and then ive been cleaning, and i have to go to this stupid picnic later today... *sigh* im so freaking tired.


and of course, im still extreamly depressed, and when i go to the picnic im gonna have to talk to people, and be nice, and smile, and its just gonna be a pain in the ass...


so hopefully ill be able to sleep tonight, cause im supposed to help with some of the driving tomorrow, and i want to be awake so i dont crash into someone going 70 some mph. ^^ or... maybe that would be a good thing. dying in a car crash wouldnt be suicide right... Hm, definetly something to think about.


and i think thats it... Oh, and this will be my last post till the 16th.

And uh, for those of my friends, i wouldnt mind you guys calling me when im in hell. ^_^ id really REALLY like it... but i think Justines the only one with my cell number... oh well, if anyone wants it just PM me. ill be on again later tonight.
