Day of silence...


so today was the day of silence for GLBT. and i was gonna do it, but i completely forgot, so i couldnt. so i guess ill just have to wait till next year.


anyways, today was pretty interesting. we had a lock down at our school cause some kid started some rumor or something. so everybody had to go to there 2nd period classes and stay there for the whole time. (which was like 1 and a half hours or so)

and yeah, my class was art, so it was pretty cool. i gots to work on my stuffs, and we lisened to music.

and all my other classes we basically just sat around and did nothing.

i just think its weird that they even had us go to school. i mean even if it was only a slight chance of something happening i think they should have cancaled school just in case you know... but whatever. it turned out to be a good day.

even though half my friends werent talking. (i have a lot of gay friends) ^_^

but i was proud of them, showing there gay pride like that. *cries dramatacly*



and yeah, thats it.

talk to you all tomorrow.


