Falling backwards into hell

Hm, yeah it isnt really anything that dramatic... -_- im just starting to fall back into my depression very randomly, and im not really sure why. im starting to think that depressed is just my natural state of mind, cause im never happy for long. but i guess that could also just be me being selfish.


anyways, i refuse to make this a pity post!


so i went for orientation yesterday, and the computer ended up freaking out on us, so i wasnt able to finish it. so im supposed to go back there today at 6, but they never said which 6... 6 in the morning or 6 at night. T-T so i tried finding there number, but all i could find was the 1-800-the crave one. so i decided to just go there at 6 at night. and i think thats what she meant...

yeah... i just lost all my motivation to continue this post, so im gonna go.

