Stole this idea.....
1) Panda's real name is a color, try to guess
2) Panda isn't very smart
3) Panda is 4'9" ( short for her age )
4) Panda easily gets angry
5) Panda is bad at grammer and spelling
6) Panda can be a pushover
7) Panda has a twin sister
8) Panda's username was based on her twin's stuff panda
9) Panda loves PASTA!
10) Panda is allergic to apples,peaches plums, and dog fur
11) Panda is a very slow typer
12) Panda is very shy in person
13) Panda is teased by people
14) Panda is a crybaby
15) Panda doesn't talk much
16) Panda can get bored easily
17) Panda gets left out very offten
18) Panda laughs at the word " pudding "
19) Panda wants to make friends
20) Panda likes dance music.... Skrillex Rockz!
21) Panda loves to laugh
22) Panda doesn't like school at all
23) Panda is tired talking in third person
24) Panda is a fan of Ichigo Kurosaki xD
25) Panda hates milk
26) Panda doesn't take care of her self
27) Panda has baby hands
28) Panda is blind without her glasses
29) Panda hates being told what to do
30) Panda is a lazy bum
31) Panda was almost a black belt
32) Panda is a light sleeper
33) Panda wants to do better at art
34) Panda sometimes doesn't act her own age
35) Panda's favorite animal are cats
36) Panda is sleepy now
37) Panda is afraid of heights
38) Panda wants to pet a bunny
39) Panda is being very random
40) Panda likes punk,rock,alternitive,pop,dance music
41) Panda wonders when this is over
42) Panda is gonna stop here...........can't take this any more!!!!