Instagram: @_willtwerkfortacos
Gifboom: @marxiesaurusrex

love cannot live without hate
success cannot live without failure
happiness cannot live without anger
sadness cannot live without joy

Of Mice&Men, Sleeping with Sirens, Black Veil Brides, Bring Me the Horizon, You Me at Six, Asking Alexandria, Pierce the Veil, Memphis May Fire, and More

age: 19

Birthday: February 1st

gender:Girl, obviously

sexuality: Bisexual

nicknames: Honey Boo

Fave colours:lime green,red,black

hobbies:writing drawing, eating, tumblr twitter

occupation:annoying student

best friends on theotaku:amber

best friend: Key

crush: Every living Band Member

fave anime: Full Metal Alchemist and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

another dark day

ugh jus anothr downing day...and i think that james thinks ima bitch which sux and i hate school and i hate evrything right it possible to be mellow and angry?


stoopid throat!!trust me 2 days of hardass cheering aint hawt for ur throat mine hurts like a mother!other than that i missed my poaster committee meeting 2day kuz i lost track of time while i was line judging @ tha middle skool vball game but oh well..n monday is juck day 4 homecoming and i have an idea of wat i shall wear n i totally got goth/punk day in tha bag man and blue and gold day...but im not sure bout nerd day and...i 4got tha other one..ill tell u guys that on monday maybe, anyway i dont think ima go 2 tha homecoming dance only if sumone asks me n sadly this year i wont have my homcoming slumber party because we still havent moved in...ugh things are startin to get shitty againg boiz n gurlz

Bluhart's Story

"Alphonse why don't you go into town?"Edward asked. "FOr what?" "Food, i'm hungry!!!" "fine i'll go"Alphonse said while walking away "You know you could've just said you wanted to be alone with me so we could talk" BLuhart ...

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I'm Pricey!!

I cost $- a night

Natural Hair Color:
[xx] Brown - $100
[ ] Blonde - $50
[ ] Black - $15
[ ] Bald - $5
[ ] Other-$75

Total: 100

Eye Color:
[xx] Brown - $50
[ ] Green - $75
[ ] Blue $150
[ ] Hazel $100
[ ] Other - $15

Total so far: 150

[ ] Over 7′ - $200
[ ] 6′8″ to 7′ - $175
[ ] 6′0″ to 6′7″ - $150
[xx ] 5′5″ to 5′11″ - $75
[ ] 5′4″ to 5′10″ - $85
[] Under 5′4 - $95

Total so far: 125

[ ] 50 to 56 - $175
[ ] 46 to 50 - $150
[ ] 41 to 45 - $125
[ ] 31 to 40 - $100
[ ] 26 to 30 - $75
[ ] 21 to 25 - $50
[ ] 19 to 20 - $25
[xx] 0 to 18 - $100

Total so far: 225

Birth Order:
[ ] Twins or more than twins - $750
[ xx] First Born - $320
[ ] Only Child - $250
[ ] second born - $150
[ ] Middle child - $100
[ ] Last Born - $100
[ ] third born - $550
[ ] fourth born - $300
[ ] fifth born - $400
[] sixth born -$215

Total so far: 545

[ ] I did like once - $400
[ ] Only Holidays - $250
[ ] Sometimes - $215
[ ] YES - $200
[ ] only weekends - $300
[ ] Every other day - $50
[ ] Once a day - $15
[ ] I live from the bottle - $Bankrupt$ [[back to $ZERO]]
[xx] No - $600

Total so far: 1145

[ ] perfect vision $400
[ ] need or have glasses/ contacts but dont wear them $200
[ ] No correction $100
[xx] Glasses $50
[ ] contacts $25
[ ] Surgical correction -$100

Total so far: 1195

Shoe Size:
[ ] 13+ - $300
[ ] 12 and a half to 13 - $250
[xx] 11 to 12 - $400
[] 7 to 10 - $500
[ ] Under 7- $450

Total so far: 1595

Favorite Colors (two):
[ xx] Green-$750
[xx] Red - $600
[] Black - $100
[ ] Yellow -$475
[ ] Brown - $300
[ ] Purple - $225
[ ] White - $400
[ ] Aqua - $350
[ ] Orange - $300
[ ] Blue - $300
[ ] Pink - $100
[ ] Other - $500

Total: 2945...i think

either way im not for sale

Did you use a calculator to add it all up?
[ ] Yes $0
[xx] Nope-add $1000
[ ] some- $750

Final Total: $3410

lonely and bored

if anyones on please message me!!im so bored that i could explode all over this room!!!please message me if ur on!!!