Instagram: @_willtwerkfortacos
Gifboom: @marxiesaurusrex

love cannot live without hate
success cannot live without failure
happiness cannot live without anger
sadness cannot live without joy

Of Mice&Men, Sleeping with Sirens, Black Veil Brides, Bring Me the Horizon, You Me at Six, Asking Alexandria, Pierce the Veil, Memphis May Fire, and More

age: 19

Birthday: February 1st

gender:Girl, obviously

sexuality: Bisexual

nicknames: Honey Boo

Fave colours:lime green,red,black

hobbies:writing drawing, eating, tumblr twitter

occupation:annoying student

best friends on theotaku:amber

best friend: Key

crush: Every living Band Member

fave anime: Full Metal Alchemist and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood


ok so bridgettes callin me an emo whore jus because i was messin with her and said 'anyway u still suck at vball' lol jp' and last time when she started saying shit i tried to mend things and better them but then she ruins them by taking evrything to the extreme so i dont evn know if its worth trying ot fix things again because she'lll try to start something again!!!

so how are you all???i havent talked to so many of you and ims o sorry for that!!!


ok so for JV i only play every five points and Hanna plays every other time...but she only got one more kill that me each time so why am i not playing as much as her??? and Ashleigh wont stop whining about her ankle...!!!>.< she sat out for the whole hour we practiced and expects to play tomorrow too bad she dont kno that she isnt playing at ALLL!!!!!lol

anywho this week was bout yall?

volleyball can suck my long lost twins d***because

im tired of playing the last game when i've proven to everyone and the coaches (c, JV, Vars.) i mean if i suck that bad because of one minor injury why put me on the damn team???!!!god im so tired of it!!!!

althought last night i had like three kill on JV and about five or more on c-squad!! ^^

NO! *sob*

i messed up my ankle yesterday morning at my first vball practice of the season because i didnt wear my brace and now im wlaking in a cast thingy and it sucks kuz i have to sit there and watch them have fun and0 all im thinking of if "I SHOULD BE OUT THERE WORKING ON MY SKILLZ!!!" so now i sit at practice and do nothing but wish and hate myself for being so careless and now i cant play until the absarokke game which is the week after school starts and i have to wear this thing to school if it doesnt heal up fast enough!!! i feel so stupid and weak it isnt funnie!!!

random crap

anyone like rap?