Al was the first awake and it happened to be the middle of the afternoon "BROTHER!BROTHER!WAKE UP!ITZ NOON!"All yelled"huh?wha?DAMMIT!I SLEPT IN!"then he looked ovr at Bluhartwow she lookz so diffrnt wen shez asleep"shuld i wake her up?"n Ed dint say nething so Al decided 2 wake her up and wen she woke up she sed"WHYD YOU LET ME SLEEP IN?!""we all did so kalm down"Ed sed,and 4 a whil Ed and Bluhart looked at each othr then they both looked away and blushed"well if u excuz me im guna get ready"she sed softly then Ed and Al left her to get ready.....
Wen Bluhart got ready she kame outa the kave and spoke"ok LETZ GO!"and she started to run off in the direktion of her home town"watz her problm?" Ed whispered to Al"maybe shez happy 2 be going home?" i still need to tell her my story,and i kant bleive she opened up 2 me yesterday Ed thoughtwhy did she"Brothr look!shez gone!"Ed looked to see wher Bluhart was"thatz it dammit wher are you!""look up"then they both looked up"you kan fly?!""no i kan levitate!""shez weirder than i thought"Ed muttered under his breath"WAT DID YOU SAY ELRIC?!""um nuthing nuthing!""good were almost ther"
*to be continued*