Profile: Alek

Name: Alek Hale
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Hair: Brown, light undertones
Eyes: Amber
Clothing: Red sweatshirt with logo on front, jeans, sneakers
Vector: Alpha
Personality: Compassionate, easy going, socialible, serious when it comes to his job
Reincarnation: Apollonious
Abilities: Photographic memory, but nothing supernatural
Bio: Parents worked for the company that unleashed the Shadow Angles. They fleed to Deava, where he was born,Grew up on the compound, but wasn't aloud to begin serious training until he was 16.
Likes: Bending the occasional rule, heights, music
Dislikes: Feet, peotry
Fears: Bugs(but he can't bring himself to kill them for some reason....)
