Profile: Angela

Name: Angela
Sex: female
Age: by looks, around 15
Hair: short, blonde
Eyes: pale blue, almost white
Clothing: simple white dress with the shadow angel crest on it and a blue hooded cloak(resembles otoha's veil)
Personality: quiet, soft spoken but cruel and unmerciful; short tempered too.
Reincarnation?: Otoha
Abilities (if any): sings the weird "songs" and opens the portals like Otoha could
Bio: lives in atlandia, one of the first to find the tree of life
Likes: music, quiet, sitting under the tree, has a close connection with Lyric and Liral(no love intrest)
Dislikes: wingless ones
Fears: being abandoned, the wingless ones
****long, white wings from the backs of her hands
