I've been meaning to make an "art journal" for quite a while. Given that I oftentimes go into "art rants" on my main world Oh My, Plotholes, I figured it would be a good idea to make a place to put them all together.
Not that I'm saying this is all going to be "rants". I'm thinking more like...stories. Advice. Tutorials even? Maybe.
What are my qualifications? I'm a third-year art major at a state university who is studying Illustration with a plan to graduate in the spring of 2013. The adventure through this has me learning everything from painting to graphic design, so I'm somewhat versed in multiple fields.
The title of "Stop Interrupting Me" was chosen completely at random, more thanks to a random and oft-repeated term that occurs in Skype calls I tend to participate in. I suppose you could dig around its meaning and come up with something like "the creative process is tricky and oftentimes when we get a good idea, we're interrupted by life". How's that for a theme?