Hey! My other world was getting crowded, so, this is were your host, Asagi, posts stuff about music, 'cause it plays a big part in my life! This is were I post AMVs, here's my fav music video of the anime persuisian
This picture is from the Bleach musical! Wuv!


I just love this song!

Stepping Stone

I love Duffy's music, end of story

Please Don't Stop The Music

I'm trieing this one again 'cause it didn't work before *sigh* all those crazy anime moments are comeingo use *sigh* I really just needed an AMV for this song ^^;

Life Is A Highway

I'm sorry that I've been neglecting this world! I'll try my best to update it from now on!

Puppy Love

I normally don't do this but you MUST see this! I LOVE YOU DAIMIAN!!!!!!!!!