Hey! My other world was getting crowded, so, this is were your host, Asagi, posts stuff about music, 'cause it plays a big part in my life! This is were I post AMVs, here's my fav music video of the anime persuisian
This picture is from the Bleach musical! Wuv!

Holy Fight

*bangs head on computer* Please help me! Someone PLEASE find me the lyrics to this! Even if they are Japanesse! I'll translate them myself if I have to! But pleaaaaaaaaaaase! Help me out! This is the third time I've posted this (only now I have ALOT more people watching) so pleaaaase! Help me find the lyrics! I'll even give you a request! Please!

Never Alone

Ok, first of all, I DID finally fix the introduction video! Yeah well, I was bord and finally figured out wat was wrong! Alright, so, now for another IchiRuki vid to come out of the wood works, does it ever end? No? Good!

Right Here Waiting

Hehe, "The bubbly-bubbly thing" hehehe, "She's so gorgouse" ah yes, one of Yumichka's many funny points, he envies Orahime, hehehe, anyway, such a romantic song,

Once Upon A December

Love this song, pretty fitting too,

Hey There Delilah

So! Happy Birthday to Sparklingwave! and also, ofcourse since this picture has nothing to do with music, so here's the daily AMV!