Hey! My other world was getting crowded, so, this is were your host, Asagi, posts stuff about music, 'cause it plays a big part in my life! This is were I post AMVs, here's my fav music video of the anime persuisian
This picture is from the Bleach musical! Wuv!

Ready For Love

I wuv IchiRuki, and Cascada

Love Again

So sweet!

Everything I Do

A really sweet song, and a really sweet vid too!

400+ Hits!!!

Yeeee! 400+! You guys must love music! I have a huge, still growing, list of songs I like! So this world will be going for ever like my other ones! If any of my videos aren't working please let me no so I don't go browsing through my world and have to remember wich ones are and arent working, kay? Well! You all no wat hits means!!! Yes! More vids!!!

Kiss From A Rose

Ichigo's kiss from Rukia is like a kiss from a rose, I love that ideah, the song really fits the ideah, me wuvy!