Wanted Reward!

Ok, as you no, I really want the lyrics for "Holy Fight" Nanao44 looked into it for me, and I do thank her, I also no that I won't be larning iy for a little wile because I still haven't gotten passed memorizing the rythum to "Wind" but not having the lyrics irritates me, so here's the deal, you find and or translate, the lyrics for me and I will reward younow, this is a big reward, you can chose between three: One, I will write you a fanfic of your choice, (again, the couples I write for are listed on Asagi's Palace) I will do one (maybe two) games that you chose, (meaning, you chose the lyrics for don't forget the lyrics etc.), or, I will post an AMV with any song you want, (I use the word "any" losely, I don't like rap and if it gives me a headache I can't even get the URL) the point is, your request, for my lyrics, ok? Thank you very much! Again, here is the song, (if you can do a good job at translating go ahead!)
