Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!
And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),
- Created By AsagiTaichou
Writing Challenge
Just letting you no, the next 100 posts (fanposts) are going to be from a 100 theme writing challenge, hosted by Dannyphantom66, on devientart, just letting you no,
Rukia And The Disapearing Wounds
In one of my earlier posts I raved about how upseting it was that we as the audience didn't no how Rukia's wonds were healed in the first fifteen episodes of Bleach, well, episode one we understand that Urahara healed her wonds, but this was not implied throughout the other fourteen episodes, actually, you could even say it was denied, I'm writing this essay because I was going to write it in the comments box as a response to some of the comments I received, but reliezed that it was to long and that the general public needed to realize this, don';t ask me why, maybe we could all write letters to Tite Kubo and ask him? And he'll finally get tired of it all and just answere one to the general publiic? Or write a short episode about it (like episodes 60-61 reveiwing the best Bleach battles)? And the reason why I'm so desprete to no, is because, ok two reasons, one curiosity, and two, I have noticed that in anime and manga some of the most romantic (and funny) scenes are wile one person is healing the injuries of smeone they love, however, because of Kido, Orahime, and Squad Four, this cannot be scene in Bleach after the first fifteen episodes, so this first ste is my last hope! My last hope to see some sweetness from Ichigo and Rukia that isn't really all talk, I won't say that there is never any gushy scenes with them, but come on! It's mostly "I promised I'd save you and I will" or "Well ofcourse! Why do you think we're freinds? And we wouldn't be if we didn't bend the rules a little" ya' no! Stuff like that! All talk and no action, unlike some couples, they never get really close, neither of them have ever gotten a chance to cry and talk with the other, and sure, Rukia heals Ichigo's wonds, big deal! She uses Kido! The only way to have a romantic moment over injuries correctly, is to use old fashion, non-magic, western stuff! And believe me, I try as much as I can NOT to go by western medicine, but wen it comes to romance there is no other choice! And episode five would have been perfect for it too! She's injured really badly, blood everywere! Her head is even bleeding, she's very tired, she just had leaches explode on her! And wat would be better than to have Ichigo come in and be all sweet and ask how she'sdoing, but he dosen't even do that! He dosen't even notice that she's all bloodied up, even though there's a stream of blood rolling down her face! Now THAT'S inconceteret! And it has been nearly proven that Urahara dosen't heal her wonds, she made it very clear that she didn't want him anywere near her body, after he made a comment about looking at her Gigi to see if something was wrong with it (wich was stated directly at the removal of her clothes) And besides, even if my hopes of the healer being Ichigo are crushed, I'm still to curiouse to sit here quitely! I refuse to give up untill I get answers! I have a few more explinations, as I much as I can't stand it, I think some kind of Kido was used, unfourtinatly, that rules out Ichigo, unless, Ichigo healed them and then didn't let her out of the house untill he could take the bandeges off, the episodes are based about two or three days apart, so..., well, who is responsable? It can't be Rukia, because of the way Kido works, however, there is some really good sweetness between the two in episode end of 93 beging 94, he was so desprete to no how she was! Sweetness! However, I also just realized that Kido dosen't go as far as I thought! There is hope!! I just saw a scene dipecting: Rukia, squad four members, and ... it's at the beging of 94, it brings a new meaning to Kido, however it dosen't solve my problum, I'm not going to be mean, so I'll tell you wat the scene is, Rukia is laying in her bed (uncounciouse) and, actually all it showed was Byakuya standing there watching her be checked over, it isn't as big of a blast as I thought it was, but on the bright side!
Ichigo went ballectic wen Byakuya wouldn't tell him how Rukia was, I will continue my mission!
Winter Nights Like These
Rukia flipped a page in the magezine she was reading, "Ichigo," she said, "I'm bored!" "The stop reading and do something else," he replied irritated, now, why is he irritated? Well, with him there's no telling! "But I LOVE reading magezies!" "Then you aren't bored," "I don't no how to explain it... My mouth is bored" "Then chew on some bubblegum," "Bubblegum?" "Oh no! Don't tell my you've never had bubblegum before!" "No, we don't have as many treats back in Soul Society" "How did I go wrong? The night you got here I shoulda' givin' ya' some gum!" Ichigo walked out of the room, returning later with two peices of wrapped bubblegum, "No wounder you're so boreing!" he stated harshly, earning him a kick in the shin, "Me boreing? I bow down to the KING of all boredom!" "Just shut up and chew on this, and wat ever you do, DON'T SWALLOW IT!" "Why?" "Because gum is for chewing not for eating" "Why?" "Why am I having this conversation with you? I didn't think I'd ever have to have this conversation again after Yuzu was born, or atleast not right now" that earned him another kick in the shin, "Why?" Rukia repeated, "Because it's sticky, and gooy, and WILL glue your insides together! Trust me, I no a guy" "It dosen't feel that way" "It will after you chew on it for a wile" about 20 minutes later... "Ichigo?" "Wat now?" "Can you do anything with bubblegum?" "Like?" "Like, with a cherry stem you can..." "Use it as a kissing test? No, blow bubbles, yes, watch," Ichigo popped his gum and blew a bubble that soon popped as well, "Cool! Show me how to do that!" Rukia demanded, acting alot like a child at the time, "Ok, spred your gum out like a sheet using your teeth and tounge," he said demenstraiting, "Den, move ur oung an bow" he said, demenstraiting wile speaking, he blew another sizeable bubble, Rukia tried, and didn't get it at first, "It's ok, you'll get it! Just keep trying!" Wow! Ichigo actually encouraged her! So all that afternoon Rukia read magezines and practiced blowing bubbles, unfourtunatly, within that time they both fell asleep, and Ichigo had fallen off the bed, ith his head next to Rukia's mouth, and sure enough... two hours later, "AHHHHHHHHHH! There's gum in my hair!" Ichigo screamed, 'Why didn't I tell her NOT to fall asleep with gum in her mouth!? Although, she does look so sweet like that, curled up on the floor, my midget! I mean my Rukia! I mean! I don't no wat I mean! She isn't mine! But...' "Ichigo," "Wah, wat?!" "There's gum in your hair," "Yes, I realize that Captin Obviouse! Now go get some Peanut Butter!" "Why?" "To get the gum out!" "Why Peanut Butter?" "Because it works!" "Why?" "I don't no just do it!" thus began the "Get the gum outta my hair" saga
The next morning... "Ichigooooo!" "Wat?" "How much longer will it take to find a lead on the Espada?" Rukia complained "I dunno, the way I see it, the longer it takes for Toshiro to find a lead, the longer we get a vacation" "Yeah, but it's so hard to wait! I want to get this done and over with already!" the young Soul Reaper winned, "I no!" she began, "Let's go outside!" Oustside, it seemed like running around in the snow was more fun wen she was thinking about it, she lyed down in the snow and began to make a snow angel, she rose up slowly, leaning on her hands, and suddenly, BOOM! A mound of snow fell on her head, "Wat the-? Ichigo! Ugh! That's freezing! Do you want my face to freeze?!" "Not like that! It'd be terifying!" "Why you!" but instead of going over to pound or kick Ichigo sensless, she did something else, she used snow! And thus, the crazy snow war began, using everything from snow balls, to snow mounds on tree branches to hit eachother with, finally, it got late, they got tired, and so, they truged into the house through the back door, lest they be caught by Ichigo's phyco dad!
Laying on the floor of Ichigo's room, Rukia shivered, chills going up and down her, Ichigo lay on his bed, one eye closed, the other looking down at the small bundle of chills spred eagle on the floor, both of them panting, "So?" he said between pants, "Who won?" "Tie," Rukia wispered, a sudden blast of chills going through her, "I-I-I-Ichigo?" she asked shivering, "Yeah?" he replied not so chilled, "I'm c-cold" she wispered, "Oh?" he asked getting off his bed and walking towards the closet, were he reached up to a high shelf and pulled down a spare blanket, he unraveled it and shook it lightly, walking over to her, he then threw the cloth over Rukia, much like a tent, it then surronded her and took form, "HEY!" she yelled, half confused about wat the orange haired teen had done, "Wat is the meaning of this?!" she was sitting straight up now, "I wanted to warm you up, most heat escapes outta your hot head ya' no," "WAT?! 'Hot Head'? Yes it does, nd so does all of my breath! Let me out of here!" "You get out," "Wat!? Ok, fine!" Rukia stood and proceeded to try to shake the blanket off her, but instead she actually made it worse, as the blanket was twice Ichigo's size and he was about twice her size, do the math! It equels a big blanket! "Let me out!" Rukia sqealed, but by this time Ichigo was in hysterics! He laughed so hard that not long after that Rukia heard a THUD! Then an "Ow!" "Ha Ha!" Rukia mocked, the two despretly tried to get out of their perdecaments and still keep their breath wile laughing at eachother, Rukia under the blanket and Ichigo on the floor in a war with the bed sheets! Finally Ichigo untangled himself and walked over to free Rukia from the monster blanket trying to consume her, wich he could swear had gotten bigger, "Here let me help!" he said in between giggles, "I don't want karma to hurt me anymore!" he laughed, as the first bit of light began to come in under the "tent" a little cracking sound came about with each tug, "Tch, tch, tch,tch tchhhhh" and as it came off, Ichigo noticed that the "tch" was static electricity, and it had punished Rukia's hair! Wich was sproinged, standing out, unraveled and just plain messy!
After a well needed hair brushing, Rukia looked normal again, and walked over to Ichigo, "Ichigo? "Hm?" "It took me a long time to get my hair back to the way it should be" "Mm-hm," "Since then, I repeat, 'I'm cold' and if you do that again a kick in the head is coming your way!" "Alright, alright, I'll admit that the closet is pretty drafty, you can sleep in my bed tonight, but only tonight" "Gee, I was told that's wat you say to puppies and yet never mean it" "Tch" was all Ichigo responded with, he got off his bed and returned moments later with two cups of Hot Choclate "You've had Hot Choclate before, right?" "No, I told you, we don't have such treats in Soul Society" "Oh, but you have abundent Rock Candy?" "Yep!" "It's going to be really rough going to live there" he said handing the raven haired girl the cup, "Careful, don't burn your tounge" he said setting his on the table, "Now you tell me?" she said practically stticking her tounge out and making a sad face, there are two ways to cool you down, one is to eat a posicle, but we don't have any of those, and the only other option is," he trailed off, closed his eyes and kissed the girl deeply, coming up for air later, "Was that it?" "Yup,""There's always one thing that puts me at the pefect tempiture" "Yaeh?" "Strawberrys" she said, a develish grin playing on her features, they both fell back onto the bed, Rukia burried her face into Ichigo's chest, breathing in the softness that was him, "Kokoro kara anata o ishite imasu" h e wispered, "Wat does that mean?" Rukia asked gazing up with her violet eyes to see that his amber eyes were closed, but he was defenitly still awake, "I love you very much, it's the only Japenese I no" "Kokoro kara anata o ishite imasu ashiteuru; I love you very much too, and yes, I understood wat it meant, I just wanted to here you say it for real," "I love you very much," "I love you very much too," Ichigo pulled the tent blanket over them, the two soon fell asleep, comforted by the armth surronding them, not the blanket, but the cxurling up of eachother, 'It's winter nights like these that make me glad to be alive' they both thought peacefully as sleep entered, they were ready for more winter nights like these